Here We Go Again
April 25
I enjoy traveling but I rarely return to a country, there are still so many we’ve yet to visit.
On our trip to Europe last September we hit four new countries, one of which was Scotland. No one expected to return and certainly not this soon.
For a number of years now as we'd head off on another adventure, our friend Rob always stood by wagging his head and his finger. “You’re an idiot” he would chide, “why go overseas when there are so many great places to go here in the US and so much easier and cheaper!” His next words he’d echo many times, “You’d never catch me going overseas, and you’d never get me on a plane again and you’d certainly never see me visiting another Country!”
Returning from Europe Rob was captivated by our stories and pictures of Scotland. He has long enjoyed the culture, well, he did see a Scottish terrier at a pet shop once. And he does love bagpipes, something that can compete with the volume of his voice.
“I want to go to Scotland!” He announced, “No I NEED to go to Scotland, I HAVE to go!”.
I remembered his earlier checklist.
I hate to break it to you Rob, but going to Scotland would break all three of your "I'll Nevers". It didn’t matter, he spent the next few weeks constantly harping about it and insisted that he needs to go and he needs someone to go along since he hasn’t made a trip like this before and he couldn’t do it without some assistance from someone experienced.
Rob is in his early 70s but has some habits like those much older. He hates change, or should I say he is comfortable in his consistency. If he likes a meal at a restaurant he has no compulsion to try something new. If he wears something out he liked he gets an exact replica if possible. He rarely leaves his comfort zone and it’s a very small zone. Going with him on a trip to a foreign country with foreign customs, foreign foods and the unpredictable travel involved was sure to be trouble. But Rob insisted, I gave in, we recruited Bryan and Jason, we booked flights.
In the months leading up to the trip Rob became more and more excited. He researched, watched videos, read books and travel blogs on Scotland and his anticipation grew to the point that when we mentioned the trip he’d get all teary eyed. I was afraid of his leakage and thought I should get some puppy pads in case he got too carried away.
So the day has arrived at last. As of this writing we are on our first flight from Little Rock to Chicago. As with any trip there are always surprises, changes and complications. And Rob is doing great so far with only minor inconveniences. He misplaced his phone, left his luggage unattended in the airport and left his water behind that he had just purchased for the flight and he was unable to get boarding passes for his next flight although the rest of us got ours. Yet he is hanging on well as is his attitude. Onward to Chicago.
Having not flown in a while, Rob had forgotten about security protocol. Rob is also the kind of guy that always wears cargo pants for the primary reason of all the pockets, and he can easily fill them up. Like the proverbial Boy Scout he is always prepared. He carries everything with him at all times, and even multiples of things such a two sets of keys in case he locks one set in the car and two pocket knives in case he needed to use one and didn’t have time to wipe the blood off.
He did remember to leave the knives at home but the rest of his pockets were occupied as usual.
At the security checkpoint we placed our luggage on the conveyer belt and the agent asked if he had anything in his pockets. He answered affirmatively and produced a handful of change. Anything else? He produced another handful of items. Nothing else then? Oh wait he said, and emptied another pocket. He finally learned the routine. Wait, I have more. Another pocket with a few items, more change, electronics, gadgets and gizmos. The line was getting longer and he was drawing some attention. A zippered pocket here, a hidden pocket down further, an inside pocket, a double pocket and a pocket in a pocket. He methodically emptied the contents of each one into the tray. A few minutes and a few pounds later he was through security.
Two things have become clear; it will take all three of us to keep an eye on him to make this trip successful and it’s gonna be a very long two weeks.